UX Design – a universal language

Exceptional UX design is a somewhat silent success. It serves its purpose quietly and transcends geographical boundaries. Whether you’re born in Asia, North America or the Nordics, a well thought out user interface is intuitive and easy to use.

Poor UX design on the other hand, is all but silent. As an endless source of frustration the word spreads quickly resulting in loss of interest, engagement and brand reputation.

In today’s digital landscape attention is the most valuable currency and patience is low, putting high demands on UX solutions.

This reality shapes my daily work process. If you are familiar with the concept of ”kill your darlings”, then well… my computer is a graveyard. But that is the black and white beauty of UX design – the answer is always in the data. And if you are willing to listen you will triumph in the silence of things running smoothly.


UX Projects


App Design


App Design